180 research outputs found

    Balancing adaptivity and customisation : in search of sustainable personalisation in cultural heritage

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    Personalisation for cultural heritage aims at delivering to visitors the right stories at the right time. Our endeavour to determine which features to use for adaptation starts from acknowledging what forms of personalisation curators value as most meaningful. Working in collaboration with curators we have explored the different features that must be taken into account: some are related to the content (multiple interpretation layers), others to the context of delivery (where and when), but some are idiosyncratic (“match my mood”, “something that is relevant to my life”). The findings reveal that a sustainable personalization needs to accurately balance: (i) support to curators in customising stories to different visitors; (ii) algorithms for the system to dynamically model aspects of the visit and instantiate the correct behaviour; and (iii) an active role for visitors to choose the type of experience they would like to have today


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    The conservation of built heritage is a complex process that necessitates co-operative efforts. Holistic, integrated documentation constitutes a crucial step towards conservation by contributing to diagnosis and by extension to the effective decision-making about the required preventive and restorative interventions. It involves the recording of interdisciplinary data to produce objective diagnostical conclusions concerning the state of preservation. Although the developments in close-range sensing techniques allow increasingly accurate and rich data recording for heritage building condition surveys, the problem of combining them (to allow integrated processing) often remains unsolved. This is particularly true when surveys include vastly heterogenous documentation data. This work aims to discuss methodologies and implications of such integrations through a monumental heritage survey case—the Castello del Valentino in Turin (Italy). Visible-spectrum and infrared imagery is combined with photogrammetric techniques, terrestrial LiDAR, and microwave measurements conducted on the historical façades’ surfaces, to examine the comprehensiveness of the data fusion results, as well as conclusions that can be drawn regarding previous interventions and the current condition of the monument

    Representing Ecological Network Specifications with Semantic Web Techniques

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    Ecological Networks (ENs) are a way to describe the structures of existing real ecosystems and to plan their expansion, conservation and improvement. In this work, we present a model to represent the specifications for the local planning of ENs in a way that can support reasoning, e.g., to detect violations within new proposals of expansion, or to reason about improvements of the networks. Moreover, we describe an OWL ontology for the representation of ENs themselves. In the context of knowledge engineering, ENs provide a complex, inherently geographic domain that demands for the expressive power of a language like OWL augmented with the GeoSPARQL ontology to be conveniently represented. More importantly, the set of specification rules that we consider (taken from the project for a local EN implementation) constitute a challenging problem for representing constraints over complex geographic domains, and evaluating whether a given large knowledge base satisfies or violates them


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    Purpose. Preparation of a short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of world airplane design, prominent Soviet aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information regarding becoming and development of Soviet and world aviation and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is presented about a prominent Soviet aircraft designer Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev, becoming in the 20th century one of founders of Soviet and world aviation. Basic scientific and technical achievements of A.N. Tupolev indicated in area of airplane design, bringing Soviet military and civil aviation around to extraordinary world heights. Basic tactical and technical descriptions are described regarding created under his scientific and technical guidance of such known types of civil airplanes as ANT-25, Tu-104, Tu-134, Tu-154 and Tu-114, and also military airplanes of type Tu-2, Tu-16 and Tu-95. Short information is resulted about flying descriptions of the modern Russian supersonic strategic bomber of type Tu-160, created in 1980-th in the design bureau name after A.N. Tupolev. It is marked that under guidance of A.N. Tupolev over 100 types of airplanes of the military and civil setting were developed in the former USSR, 70 from which are produced by aviation industry of country serially. It is indicated that Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Colonel-General-Engineer A.N. Tupolev was a founder known in the world of aviation scientific school, preparing many famous Russian aircraft designers. Information, touching handed him domestic and foreign governmental rewards and other authoritative signs of confession of prominent merits of great aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev world scientific and technical public is resulted in airplane design. Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from scientific publications and other scientific and technical materials media regarding becoming and development of Soviet and world aviation and considerable scientific and technical contribution to the military and civil airplane design of prominent Soviet aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher schools, engineering, technical and scientific workers of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of history of becoming and development of Soviet and world airplane design, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society